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It is a select shop of products offered broad from casual day use to an occasion.
The production of a store grown-up can be satisfied with the brand
selected carefully by the staff of a rich experience and abundant
original items of production is aimed at.
Please do not hesitate to utilize as your word rope.























「レジカジンナ」という店名の由来。実は古くは孔子の論語「今、汝は画れり(いまなんじはかぎれり)」から来ています。これは自分の限界は自分で決めている。自分自身に言い訳をし、全力を尽くすことから逃げずにもっと自分のインスピレーションを信じよう。という孔子の教えです。ここから「ナンジカギレリ」を逆に読み「Legica jeana(レジカジンナ)」となったのです。私どももみなさんも「キレイな毎日」を作るための限界はありません。みなさんを「キレイ」にするため、微力ながら私どもがお手伝いさせていただきます。

The origin of the store name "Legica jeana"
In fact, it is coming in ancient times from Confucius's Analects "Ima Nanji ha Kagireri."
This is the instruction of Confucius.
This has determined its limit by itself.
It is excused to itself, I will believe my inspiration more, without escaping from doing one's best.
from here "Nanji kagireri" was read conversely and it was set to "Legica jeana"
There is no limit for us and you to make Beautiful Days.
In order to make you into "Beautiful", we will help with poor ability.




〒711-0921 岡山県倉敷市児島2-10-9


営業時間 : 12:00〜17:00
電話 : 070-8453-6077


©2018 by layerd japan

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